Past Productions

Love Letters by A. R. Gurney
1st & 2nd November 2024
The play centres on two characters, Melissa Gardner and Andrew Makepeace Ladd III. Their story unfolds through the reading of letters they have accumulated over 50 years of friendship and love.
This seemingly simple premise provokes a deep emotional response from its audience as we learn of their hopes and dreams, triumphs and defeats.
Love Letters was directed by Jamie McLean. She was assisted by Stuart.Evans. Staged in the intimate venue of the Taylor Hall, there were two casts, Jamie & Hugh McLean and Elaine & John Kingston.
My Mother Said I Never Should
by Charlotte Keatley
11th - 13th April 2024
This drama focuses on 4 generations of the same family and slips forwards and backwards in time. Mothers and daughters push boundaries and behave in a way that the society of their era would think women ‘should never do’.
A really compelling story which is both moving and thought provoking.
This was an immersive production using the main stage and a catwalk through the audience with table seating.
My Mother Said I Never Should was directed by Cathy Hudson with Summer Wahlia as Assistant Director.
Cast: Millie Hart, Samantha Myers, Marlisa Doubell and Charlotte Coulson.

One for the Road
by Willy Russell

11th -13th January 2024
Willy Russell's
One for the Road
One for the Road by Willy Russell is a wickedly observant comedy by the author of Educating Rita and Shirley Valentine.
We find Dennis on the eve of his 35th birthday making a last-ditch attempt to break away from the confines of his middle-class, housing-estate existence.
This hilarious comedy contains adult themes and content.
One for the Road was directed by Cathy Hudson with Julia Allen as Assistant Director.
Cast: Seth Papworth, Megan Castle, Kim Haywood and Steve Black.
APRIL 20TH-22ND 2023
Alan Ayckbourn’s
Woman in Mind
Congratulations on an excellent NODA review for our April 2023 show Ayckbourn's 'Woman in Mind': "most thought provoking and the cast ,..under praiseworthy direction, presented a secure, well rehearsed piece." "Sam Myers gave a magnificent performance as Susan."
Woman in Mind is a razor-sharp tragicomedy about a vicar's wife on the outer edge of sanity whose vivid fantasy family life starts to compensate for the dry desert of her marriage. Neglected by her husband and forced to endure the unbearable cooking of his sister, the action depicts a frowsy Englishwoman’s increasingly delusional, frequently hilarious, often deeply moving and hopeless breakdown into psychosis.
Woman In Mind was directed by Cathy Hudson.
Cast: Samantha Myers, Stuart Evans, Elaine Kingston, Ian Creese, Finton McCluskey, Steve Black, Charlotte Coulson and Graham Budd.

27-29 October 2022
Bettine Manktelow
Curtain Up on Murder
Our Autumn production in 2022 brought murder to the stage at Cobham. An amateur drama company is rehearsing at the theatre at the end of the pier. Storms rage overhead and the doors are locked – they’re trapped! Then a mysterious, ghostly presence passes across the stage, and when the Assistant Stage Manager falls to certain death through a trapdoor, the remaining actors are thrown into disarray. The panic increases when one of the actresses is poisoned and it becomes evident that a murderer is in their midst...
Our recent productions have ranged from provocative dramas to classic comedies and pantomimes. Click on any of the shows in our gallery to learn more.